Studio Bliss Photography

Please welcome Becky Ridlon of Studio Bliss Photography to our blog!


Tell us a little about you and what got you into photography..

Beyond being a photographer and a horse lover, most importantly I am the mother of a truly handsome boy who fills my heart everyday with the warmth of his purity and the thought of him becoming something great and to a stunningly beautiful baby girl that makes me smile and warms my heart every time I look at her. I am the significant to a man I feel I don’t deserve, whom always puts me first. I am a friend to some I have known and trusted as long as I can remember; who have supported and cheered me on each step of the way. I am a daughter, sister and aunt to a family and extended family I love more than words can say.

I wouldn’t say I stumbled upon the love of photography… it is in my blood!! My Father was an artist and a photographer. He had captured many great portraits of us at a young age. I can also attribute some of it to the photography classes in high school I had taken using my dads old Cannon film camera to capture landscapes, horses and local architecture – developing each roll of film and creating my own prints in a dark room. This is still something I would like to get back in to, you know that sort of “hands on photography” like a scene out of one of my favorite movies, Hope Floats!

I too like many asked for a DSLR as a gift for a special occasion, which was my 30th birthday! This day will now not only mark a milestone; but, the day I was able to start an incredible journey of digital portrait photography and turning my then hobby into a business, fruitful for my family and I. It is truly the best job in the world & I wouldn’t have it any other way!!!


What’s your favorite thing to photograph?

I {semi} jokingly say my stunningly beautiful daughter, as she is my favorite client – with her remarkable blue eyes and uber pinch-able cheeks. I am in awe of the images I have been blessed to capture of her. In all honesty though I am still trying to decide my true niche in this industry and narrow my collections to a specific type. If I had to choose just one at this moment it would be Senior Portraits. Seniors are young, flawless, fun, energetic & eager to share. I feel my senior sessions go smoothly and my results are always so rousing.


Which photographer are you most inspired by right now? Who did you stalk this morning?

I Facebook stalk a bunch of my favorite photographers on the regular; however, there are a select few that keep me captivated with their work with every image!

Beth {a} Dilly Photography is a huge fave of mine, her work is so consistent with such a light and airy feel that I just love. For some reason or another this gal’s work inspires me literally everyday!

Crystal Madsen is a local photographer, some might say she’s the competition but I do not view it that way. Her work has taught me so much… I might even say her work was perhaps the reason I decided to create a business here in Spokane, WA. She has a huge client base capturing mostly Senior Portraits but eases into Wedding and Family Portraits impeccably. Her business model made me realize the endless possibilities of this career, even in a smaller city with many portrait photographers. I really look up to her!

A new favorite of mine is Park Road Photography by Sarah Elle if I were ever going to flourish, as a wedding photographer a style similar to this would be it. Country Chic with a Matte finish, all I can say is… Swoon!!!!!


What’s the number one piece of advice to a photographer at any level?

Though I still have just begin my journey and do not feel I have the adequate amount of experience to be offering others advice; I believe editing to be a large hurdle and one of the things that needs serious attention. It can be the biggest strength or the biggest weakness in images. This is more like a pep talk to myself; however, maybe others can learn from my thoughts as well. Cropping, exposure, highlights, warmth, actions, overlays, to matte or not to matte, the list goes on and on. You can spend an exorbitant amount of money on equipment {full frame bodies, lenses, OFC/lighting etc.} but I have learned “business wise” setting your self apart and creating a consistent and finished looking product is key to making you stand out and this is where the editing really comes into play. I am continually striving to produce consistent looking images with my editing to maintain this so called style & professional feel to my product! I encourage others to really hone in on this skill as well – it really is such a fairly inexpensive & easy way to create even more stunning photos.


Thank you Becky! Check back next Wednesday for our next fabulous artist! ~ Ellie

Collaborate and Recreate!

A surprise post to tie in with our new challenge post over on our sister blog. Check out our new monthly challenge here now..

Friends of IMIB were asked to play along in a secret challenge in which they were given the name of another player in secret and asked to go pick an image of that players and recreate it but with a twist to keep it their own image! We paired them up each with someone different and they weren’t to let the other person know until they had completed the task! We asked them to be inspired by the way the other artist used light, their surroundings, how they edited etc.. we also tried to pair them with someone different to their normal style.. and they did us proud, each and every one of them rocked it!

We were intending to share these on the main challenge post but decided these needed a space all of their own so here they are!

Lindsey Bramlett Photography was given Karen Long Photography


Life by Danie was given Performer Photography


Fotografie Chantal van  den Dool  was given Soul Threading


Holly Nicole Photography was given Studio Bliss Photography


Lacey Newman Photography was given Jamie V Photography


RJN Photography was given Lindsey Bramlett Photography


Studio Bliss Photography was given Chantal van den Dool Photography


Stephanie Minior Photography was given Holly Nicole Photography


Performer Photography was given Lala Zee Photography

Crystal Raynard Photography was given Fleur Louise Photography


Jamie V photography was given Life by Danie


Soul Threading was given Life Life Inspired | Photography


Rene Hermosillo Photography was given JenDzen Photography


Fleur Louise Photography was given Crystal Raynard Photography


Charming Hearts Photography was given Lacey Newman Photography


Lala Zee Photography was given RJN Photography


Live Life Inspired | Photography was given Stephanie Minior Photography


Jen Dzen Photography was given Rene Hermosillo Photography


.. and there we have it!!!

What a gorgeous bunch of artists we have, don’t you think?!

Watch out next month for the next IMIB Friends collab challenge! ~ Ellie & Jamie.

Melissa Hines Photography

Please say hello to Melissa of Melissa Hines Photography!

Tell us a little about you and what got you into photography.

Hi! I’m Melissa from Melissa Hines Photography. I married my college sweetheart almost nine years ago. While we were still in college. Yes, we were pretty much babies, but we wouldn’t change it for anything! We have three amazing boys. The biggest is five, the middle is three, and the baby is one. Just like most of the photographers I know, my kids are my why for my start in and my love for photography. And especially my love for documentary photography. Years from now, I want to be able to give my kids pictures that show them what their childhood was like. I want them to see the memories from vacations, the afternoons at the park, the little quirks unique to them, the emotion of the not so perfect moments, the everyday moments from each stage of life, and everything in between. I love that I can use my camera to capture all of these moments that could otherwise be overlooked!


What’s your favourite thing to photograph?

I love to photograph my kids. Especially in gorgeous light (I mean, who doesn’t love that?!?). And also the details of right now. The ones that you think you will remember, but realize years later that you don’t remember after all.


Which photographer are you most inspired by right now…who did you stalk this morning?

Oh, man! This is so incredibly hard to narrow it down to just one. There are so many that I’m so inspired by! But I would have to say that one photographer that I feel like I’ve stalked for quite a while is Megan from The Megan Hassold Photography Co. Her use of light with the everyday moments is stunning! I only got up enough courage to “introduce” myself to her in the last couple of months, and she is so incredibly friendly and encouraging as well as talented!


What’s the number one piece of advice to a photographer of any level?

Shoot what makes you feel something. And learn manual! When I started doing both of these things, I started to see the growth towards the photographer I want to be. Also, know that we are all still learning. Even those photographers you are in awe of.

Thank you Melissa!

We have loved getting to know you a bit better!

Check back next Wednesday for our next feature and be sure to go leave Melissa some love!

~ Ellie & Jamie

Lacey Newman Photography

Welcome to our new little sister blog!

Check out the above tabs for info on what we plan to do here and how to see your feature here on the blog!

To kick us off we have the lovely Lacey of Lacey Newman Photography!


Tell us a little about you and what got you into photography…

Hello everyone!  I am so excited to be here and share with you a little about myself.  I am Lacey Newman and I am the photographer behind Lacey Newman Photography.  I am 35, have been married to my best friend for almost 12 years and we have 3 awesome children ages 8, 6 and 2.  I live among the tall pine trees in a small East Texas town.  I am a native Texan but I don’t say “ya’ll”. Don’t really know why, just don’t.  I do love Texas though.  It’s home to me.  I have a huge sweet tooth.  In fact I have just about devoured an entire box of Milk Duds as I’ve been sitting here thinking about what to share with you all.  I may have a problem.

I love being with my husband and my children.  They can make me laugh like no one else and they make me feel pretty funny too.
They are the reason I began this photography journey.  I have always had a soft spot in my heart for photography.  I was the one at family get togethers hiding around corners trying to take pictures without anyone knowing because I wanted to catch what was happening, not a posed “cheese” moment.   I wasn’t always very successful and even if I was, I wasn’t really that happy with the results I was getting from my point and shoot camera.   It wasn’t until my sweet husband gave me my first DSLR that I began to understand photography and really develop my passion for it.  When we started having children I wanted to be able to better document our lives so our children would have a nice representation of their life under our roof.  I wanted more than a point and shoot perspective.


What’s your favourite thing to photograph?

My family.  Without them, and more specifically my husband, I wouldn’t be able to do any of this.  They are everything to me and I find the most inspiration on a daily basis from them.  I feel the most satisfaction when I take a photo of them that makes my heart sing.  However, I also have a thing for baby toes and eyelashes.
In the month of April I was able to be present for and capture the birth of 2 precious baby boys.  This has opened a new door for me and sparked a new passion.  Birth photography has been on my someday wish list, but I was a little intimidated by it.  After the first birth, I felt this was something I was meant to do.  I felt truly in my element just being able to be a fly on the wall and documenting all that was going on.  That’s always been my favorite approach anyway.  I love that photography allows me to be ever changing and grow in a way that constantly pushes me out of my comfort zone.  I find a lot of times I need a little push.


Which photographer are you most inspired by right now…who did you stalk this morning?
It’s hard for me to pick just one.  When I first began this journey there was one photographer that I came across and fell in love with her style.  Her name is Ashley Thalman.  I loved her approach and the emotion she was able to achieve was so real.  Nothing seemed fake or staged.  I was really drawn to that.  Over the years there have been so many photographers that have inspired me.  I love the story and art of Vivian Maier.  I get lost looking at her work and find myself going back and getting lost in it time and time again.  Justin Hackworth does amazing portraits and I always look forward to his next project.  I would love to hang out with Joy Prouty of Wildflowers Photography for even 5 minutes and let some of her goodness rub off on me.  I love the amazing documentary style of Ashley at Under the Sycamore and the the perfect light and joy Sarah Cornish of My Four Hens captures.  Recently, I have been loving Joni Burt for her attention to detail, her perspectives and the color in her images.  There really are so, so many photographers that give me that drive to do my best and see things in a new way.
What’s the number one piece of advice to a photographer at any level?

Pick up your camera and use it.  I find that there are times I feel so uninspired and feel inadequate compared to other photographers, but when I pick up my camera and use it I find that I always end up with something that makes me proud and the only way I can continue to grow and learn is by picking up my camera.
Lacey Newman
Thank you Lacey, we loved getting to know you a little better!
What a fantastic feature to kick off our new blog! Join us next Wednesday for another lovely fan feature! ~ Ellie & Jamie